Station: 106 — Zaanlands Lyceum 2
Data delivery status
The data delivery status is based on the station uploading events to the central server. Each night the uploaded events of the previous day are processed. Hence the status is based on data that was uploaded yesterday.
Current status:
Data delivery status is UNKNOWN. Please check back later.
Frequent problems and solutions:
- Unknown failure / PC not responding / Nothing works.
Solution: Reboot/restart the data acquisition PC. - The DAQ is running, but the hisparc monitor and/or updater are not running (missing from the taskbar).
Solution: Use "start HiSPARC software" from start menu.
Problem not listed above? Please restart the data acquisition PC.
For more information and troubleshooting consult the documentation, FAQ and/or known issues. Daily maintenance of a station is described this article (in Dutch).